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Xnode Documentation


The Xnode Smart Sensor is designed as the next-gen solution for high fidelity distributed sensing. This modular and versatile sensor platform enables wireless data acquisition and processing for data-intensive applications (high resolution, high sampling rate) such as structural health monitoring,manufacturing and industrial equipment monitoring, and seismic sensing. In practice, Xnodes are usually used in form of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), typically 1 gateway nodes and several sensor nodes. Each sensor node has 8 available channels for data collection, of which the first 3 channels are typically used for acceleration measurement. Raw data and local-processed data are collected by the gateway node and then sent back to the cloud server for applications via cellular communication.


Official Site


Quick Start Guide

Development Toolchain


  • VSCode - Editing, Serial Port Debugging
  • Keil MDK-ARM Version 4 - Building, Debugging, Flashing
  • JLINK/STLINK - Flashing
  • Tera Term - Serial Port Debugging